Cleaning Cleanrooms: How Often Should You Have Your cGMP Cleanroom Cleaned?

Cleaning Cleanrooms: How Often Should You Have Your cGMP Cleanroom Cleaned?

After investing in a top-of-the-line cleanroom, keeping it in pristine condition is crucial, especially when adhering to cGMP compliance. 

When properly cared for, a cGMP cleanroom will function at peak performance, ensuring that all processes meet strict regulatory standards. However, failure to adhere to cGMP cleaning standards can lead to contamination, jeopardizing product quality and resulting in costly regulatory issues that can disrupt daily operations.

Here’s a rundown of the best cleaning cleanroom procedures and practices for your cGMP-compliant cleanroom. 

What Are cGMP Requirements for Cleanroom Cleaning?

cGMP, or Current Good Manufacturing Practices, are regulations enforced by the FDA to ensure that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. These regulations are particularly crucial in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical device manufacturing, where product safety and efficacy are paramount. 

Classifications of cGMP Cleanrooms

cGMP cleanrooms are classified based on their ISO standards, which define the cleanliness level required for different types of manufacturing environments. The most common classifications include:

  • ISO 5 (Class 100): These cleanrooms have the strictest cleanliness requirements, allowing only 3,520 particles (0.5 microns or larger) per cubic foot of air. They are often used in critical processes such as aseptic filling and sterile drug manufacturing.
  • ISO 6 (Class 1,000): Allows for 35,200 particles per cubic foot and is typically used in processes like vial filling or assembly of sterile devices.
  • ISO 7 (Class 10,000): Permits 352,000 particles per cubic foot and is commonly found in less critical manufacturing processes, such as packaging or certain laboratory environments.

The classification of your cleanroom dictates the stringency of the cleaning protocols. For example, an ISO 5 cleanroom requires more frequent and thorough cleaning than an ISO 7 cleanroom due to the higher sensitivity to particulate contamination.

6 Effective Cleanroom Cleaning Strategies For cGMP Requirements

1. Follow Industry-Specific Standards

Cleanrooms vary widely in use, and cGMP cleanrooms have unique requirements and standards they must adhere to depending on the industry. For example, cGMP cleanrooms in pharmaceuticals must adhere to extremely stringent standards to prevent contamination that could compromise the safety and efficacy of drugs. 

Depending on your industry, your cGMP cleanroom will have a specific layout, ISO rating, and cleanliness standard. Therefore, its cleaning schedule and procedure will also differ.

Cleanrooms with higher ISO ratings, like ISO 5, for example, must be kept at much higher sanitation levels to reduce the chance of interference from minute particles and contaminants. 

Cleanrooms with lower class ratings, such as ISO 7, may be less threatened by certain contaminants or smaller particle sizes, but they still require regular cleaning to maintain standards and efficiency.

2. Follow Contamination Prevention Protocols

In a perfect world, zero contaminants would enter your cleanroom environment. While this is virtually impossible, the best way to keep your cGMP cleanroom clean is to follow strict contamination prevention protocols designed to meet cGMP requirements. These protocols include:

  • Proper Gowning Procedures: All personnel must adhere to cGMP-specific gowning protocols. This includes wearing sterile, non-powdered gloves, sterile gowns, masks, and other protective gear. 
  • Sterilization and Equipment Usage: All tools and equipment used in a cGMP cleanroom must be sterilized according to cGMP standards, including ensuring that all cleaning tools, garments, and materials are appropriately sanitized before use to prevent contamination.
  • Strict Entry Procedures: Entry protocols may involve multiple stages of decontamination, such as air showers, sticky mats, and separate gowning areas, ensuring that personnel and materials are free of contaminants before entering.
  • Importance of Training Staff in cGMP Practices: To minimize risks, staff members should be trained in cGMP contamination prevention practices. 

3. Establish Regular Cleanroom Cleaning Procedures

Keeping your workspace clean requires diligent adherence to daily and weekly cleaning schedules. Depending on the strictness of your class standard, you may need to add more rigorous objectives or increase the frequency of these tasks. 

Whatever your facility requires, it’s essential to create and follow a cleaning schedule that clearly defines all assignments, making them easy to understand and follow. Here are the general cleaning protocols recommended for broad cleanroom needs:

Daily Cleanroom Cleaning:

  • Before a shift begins, use a damp mop on floors and vacuum to dry.
  • Vacuum all walls using a HEPA filter vacuum.
  • Wash and wipe all windows and pass-throughs dry.
  • Wipe down all work areas at the end of every shift. This should occur more frequently in cleanrooms with higher standards.
  • Put away products and supplies between shifts to prevent further contamination.

Weekly Cleanroom Cleaning:

  • Mop floors with a cleanroom-specific detergent, distilled water, and a HEPA filter vacuum.
  • Wipe walls with a damp sponge and distilled water, then vacuum dry.

As Needed:

  • Remove any residue or deposits on ceilings by washing with detergent and distilled water.
  • Using a damp sponge, wipe off all light lenses.
  • Change sticky mats as soon as you notice wear.

Note: This FDA document provides an extensive, detailed look at cGMP standards and regulations. 

4. Use cGMP-Approved Products Approved for Cleaning Cleanrooms

Cleaning products that are improperly sterilized or unsuitable for cleanroom use can cause contamination, particularly in cGMP cleanrooms where maintaining strict standards is critical. 

Using only cleaning products that are cGMP-approved, non-reactive, and specifically designed for cleanroom environments is essential. This includes using deionized and distilled water for mopping and wiping surfaces and cleanroom-specified cleaning agents that meet cGMP standards. All chemicals and solvents for cleaning must be neutral, non-ionic, and non-foaming to avoid buildup on surfaces over time, which could compromise the cleanliness of the environment.

Cleanroom Cleaning Tips: 

  • High ISO class cleanrooms (ISO levels 5-7) often require sterilizing disinfectants before use, further protecting the cleanroom from contaminants. 
  • Never use scrubs or rags that could shed or corrode surfaces. Instead, only use woven polyester specified for cleanroom use.
  • Follow a mopping protocol that efficiently cleans floors without spreading dirty water over cleaned areas. Employ a mopping system that separates dirty and clean water and won’t scratch or contaminate the floor or walls. 
  • Bringing all needed materials—such as brooms, mops, and cleaning agents—into the cleanroom before cleaning is good practice. This way, once the process is complete, you only need to exit once, reducing the possibility of contamination. 

Note: For a detailed list of cGMP-approved products for cleaning cleanrooms, visit the FDA website here

5. Properly Train Staff on cGMP Cleaning Procedures & Maintenance 

All staff members and janitorial personnel must be rigorously trained in cGMP cleaning protocols to ensure compliance and maintain the cleanroom’s class standards. This includes comprehensive education on gowning procedures, environmental sterilization practices, general equipment maintenance, and more. 

Staff should be equipped to handle spills or other incidents that could lead to contamination. Tools and cleaning supplies should be easily accessible but not stored in a way that could lead to cross-contamination. To support this, having guides and cleaning checklists posted visibly in the room can help staff consistently follow cGMP protocols and maintain a sanitary environment

6. Conduct Regular Inspections and Monitoring for cGMP Compliance

Even if you’re doing everything right and following the proper cleanroom procedures, it’s crucial to conduct regular inspections and environmental monitoring to ensure ongoing cGMP compliance. Regular checkups help verify that your cleanroom consistently meets cGMP standards, preventing potential lapses that could lead to contamination or non-compliance.

Cleanroom Inspection & Monitoring Tips:

  • Air samplers or settle plates can be used to test for organisms and measure particles per cubic foot, ensuring that the cleanroom environment remains within the required cleanliness levels. 
  • Regular checkups of your HVAC system play a vital role in maintaining cGMP compliance. The HVAC system controls temperature, humidity, and air filtration, all of which are critical factors in ensuring the cleanroom environment remains stable and free from contaminants. A properly functioning HVAC system will maintain a steady temperature and humidity level, consistently changing air to meet your ISO specifications, which is essential for preserving the cleanliness and integrity of the cleanroom.
  • Utilize cleanroom experts to inspect, monitor, and repair your cleanroom. At Angstrom, our tailored maintenance and repair services ensure your cleanroom continues to meet the highest industry standards. When the unexpected occurs, our team is ready to assist wherever needed. 

Count On Expert Cleanroom Maintenance Solutions From Angstrom Technology

If you’re cleaning your cleanroom and still not getting the desired results, it might be time for specialized maintenance. To ensure your cleanroom remains compliant with cGMP standards, it’s crucial to consult with experts like our expert team at Angstrom

Whether you need help troubleshooting specific issues or want to enhance your cleaning protocols, our expertise can ensure your cleanroom always functions to the best of its ability. Contact us today to learn more! 


What is the Difference Between a Controlled Environment and a Cleanroom?

What is the Difference Between a Controlled Environment and a Cleanroom?

The words cleanroom and controlled environment are often used interchangeably when talking about environment control in critical spaces. But what is a cleanroom? What is a controlled environment? There is a difference, and that difference is crucial. When it comes to controlled environments vs. cleanrooms, here’s what you need to know:

Controlled Environments vs. Cleanrooms

What Is a Controlled Environment?

A controlled environment, or critical environment, is an area that must have specific parameters controlled. The parameters include pressure, temperature, and segregation. Many laboratories are considered controlled environments, as they have controlled temperature and pressure and are separated from other operations, such as manufacturing or shipping. Unlike cleanrooms, controlled environments do not necessarily have to meet certain standards for particle contamination.

Common Applications for Controlled Environments:

  • Life science laboratories
  • Engineering laboratories
  • Laser labs
  • High-energy physics facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Cannabis grow rooms
  • Clean manufacturing
  • Food processing rooms
  • Pharmacies
  • Quality labs

What Is a Cleanroom?

A cleanroom is a type of controlled environment with much more stringent requirements. Cleanrooms require temperature and pressure control, as well as separation from the outside environment and other operations. 

All the requirements of cleanrooms are regulated and must meet designated standards. Cleanrooms are classified by the maximum acceptable number of particles (by size) in the air per cubic meter, and must be regularly tested to ensure compliance with that standard (see more about cleanroom classifications here). Compared to standard controlled environments, cleanrooms may require more energy, air, and advanced technology to maintain the cleanroom conditions.

Common Applications for Cleanrooms:

  • Semiconductor manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Research and development 
  • Laser and optics 
  • Electronics manufacturing 
  • Medical device manufacturing 
  • Precision industrial manufacturing 
  • Aerospace 
  • Mask manufacturing
  • 3D printing 
  • Nutraceutical cleanroom
  • Food processing/bottling

Do I Need a Cleanroom or a Controlled Environment? 

The answer to this question depends on two factors: your application and your industry. If packaging medical devices, you’ll need an ISO class 7 compliant cleanroom or higher. If you have a process control laboratory for a chrome plating company, you aren’t required to meet a specific ISO classification, but you need to control the environment. 

You may even have different needs within your facility; you may need a controlled environment for sensitive materials that don’t need to meet cleanroom standards but also require an ISO class 8 cleanroom for quality control testing.

When building and designing a cleanroom, contractors consider various factors to determine the necessary construction materials and regulating equipment. To ensure the facility is accurately equipped and meets standards, the contractor will consider the following: 

  • Required ISO class FDA regulations
  • Types and placement of HEPA or ULPA filters
  • Environmental conditions 
  • HVAC requirements
  • Spatial specifications
  • Construction materials
  • Air showers
  • Pass-thru units
  • Fire protection
  • Light and air supply
  • Electrical and plumbing requirements
  • Equipment hookups and special equipment

Partner with Angstrom Technology for Expert Guidance

Understanding the difference between controlled environments and cleanrooms is pivotal in determining the appropriate solution for your specific requirements and industry standards. 

With over 30 years of industry experience, we offer unparalleled expertise and a comprehensive portfolio to meet your cleanroom needs. From conceptualization to installation and ongoing support, our commitment to excellence ensures a seamless journey toward achieving your cleanroom objectives. 

Contact the Angstrom team today for all your cleanroom needs!



Radiopharmaceutical Cleanroom FAQs

Radiopharmaceutical Cleanroom FAQs

 Interested in learning about the radiopharmaceutical industry and radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms? As an experienced radiopharmaceutical cleanroom manufacturer, we’re here to answer any questions you have about the design or installation of these innovative spaces. 

To get you started, we’ve listed 10 of our most frequently asked questions about radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms, along with their answers, below. 

1. What Are Radiopharmaceuticals?

Radiopharmaceuticals are a group of pharmaceutical drugs that contain radioactive isotopes. In the past, they’ve mainly been used as diagnostic agents that help doctors identify a number of medical problems. 

However, they’ve recently gained recognition for being viable forms of treatment for life-threatening conditions like cancer. For those cases, the radiopharmaceutical drug is absorbed into the cancerous area, then destroys any affected tissue. Many patients have found radiopharmaceuticals to be a less-invasive, less-painful alternative to other chemotherapy and radiation techniques. 

2. What Risks Are Associated With Handling Radiopharmaceuticals?

In traditional pharmaceutical applications, the main goal is to protect sensitive products from being harmed by contaminants. However, in radiopharmaceutical applications, there are two goals: to protect the products and to protect the people handling them. 

Why? Radiopharmaceuticals contain radioactive isotopes, which can be harmful to human health after lengthy or frequent exposures. Too much radiation exposure has been known to cause the following health conditions: skin burns, acute radiation syndrome, cancer, cardiovascular disease, reproductive issues, and more. 

3. What Is a Radiopharmaceutical Cleanroom?

As the name suggests, a radiopharmaceutical cleanroom is a controlled cleanroom environment in which radiopharmaceuticals are tested, produced, packaged, or distributed. Radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms are not the same as traditional pharmaceutical cleanrooms, as they have unique control, cleanliness, and process requirements in order to ensure patient and operator safety. They also house different types of cleanroom furniture and equipment. 

All this said, it’s important to be aware of any unique design considerations radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms require.

4. What ISO Classification Do Radiopharmaceutical Cleanrooms Require?

In most cases, radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms are required to meet ISO Class 7-8 standards. However, they may also feature some designated areas or chambers that meet even more stringent standards, such as ISO Class 6 or above. 

5. What Other Quality Standards Do Radiopharmaceutical Cleanrooms Need to Meet?

ISO standards aren’t the only quality standards that radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms need to meet. In most cases, they also need to meet GMP standards and USP standards

GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practice, which is a quality management system enforced by the US Food and Drug Administration and used mainly by medical and pharmaceutical manufacturers. The main goal of these standards is to minimize the risks of microbiological, particulate, and pyrogen contamination during the preparation and sterilization of medicines or medical devices. 

USP stands for United States Pharmacopeia, which is “an independent, scientific nonprofit organization focused on building trust in the safe supply of safe, quality medicines.” USP is not a government entity, but works alongside government agencies and regulatory authorities around the world to safeguard the global supply of medicines and other consumable products. Their standards are legally recognized in the United States and are used in over 140 countries.

The main goals of these standards are to protect patient and worker safety while developing, packaging, distributing, and consuming medicines and dietary supplements. The USP standard that’s most pertinent to radiopharmaceutical applications is USP 825, which you can read more about in our previous blog post. 

6. What Types of Equipment Do Radiopharmaceutical Cleanrooms Require?

Radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms require various types of equipment, some of which are completely different from those found in traditional pharmaceutical cleanrooms. A few common types of radiopharmaceutical equipment include:

  • Hot cells
  • Isolators
  • Elaborate casework
  • Fume hoods
  • Environmental control and monitoring systems (which can be connected to the building management system, or BMS)
  • Biosafety cabinets
  • Sterile work tables and surfaces
  • Cyclotron storage 

7. What Type of Cleanroom Is Best for Radiopharmaceutical Applications? 

Radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms require a high level of environmental control in order for drugs to be safe and effective for patient use. Therefore, HardWall cleanrooms are generally the best option, as they can accommodate that high level of control against contamination, temperature, humidity, and more. 

8. How Big Do Radiopharmaceutical Cleanrooms Need to Be?

Your radiopharmaceutical cleanroom can be any size your facility needs. However, when determining cleanroom size, it’s important to consider all the specialized furniture and equipment it needs to house. Things like hot cells and isolators aren’t small, so make sure your cleanroom can accommodate the amount that you need. 

Another important consideration is that with modular cleanroom design, you always have room and opportunity for growth. If your facility chooses to expand in the future, modular design allows for quick and simple reconfigurations and additions — but that process is only quick and simple if it’s planned for ahead of time. 

For almost all cleanroom projects, we recommend that facilities plan for this growth during the initial design phase. Considering what expansion will look like or could potentially be is an important step in eliminating additional costs or unwanted downtime within the cleanroom. 

9. What Type of Pressure Do Radiopharmaceutical Cleanrooms Require?

More often than not, radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms are actually radiopharmaceutical cleanroom suites, which contain multiple different controlled rooms or zones. Within these cleanroom suites, cascading pressure is typically required. 

Cascading pressure means the most stringent cleanroom zone has the highest level of pressure, and the least stringent cleanroom zone has the lowest level of pressure. This helps ensure that contamination and particles will not flow into the most critical or cleanest zone.

10. What Radiopharmaceutical Cleanroom Projects Has Angstrom Technology Completed?

In October 2021, Angstrom Technology completed a radiopharmaceutical cleanroom suite project for Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine and Bold Advanced Medical Future (BAMF) Health. 

BAMF Health is a key innovator in the global radiopharmaceuticals and theranostics industry. With a focus on AI-based precision medicine, molecular imaging, and theranostics, they’re working to create a cutting-edge technology that results in the most efficient, effective, and non-invasive therapeutics for life-threatening conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cardiac disease, and more. 

The cleanroom facility is based in Grand Rapids, MI, and totals 3,200 square feet. Here are some of the details:

  • 17 internal rooms, sectioned into three main areas: Commercial Operations, Therapeutic Infusion, and Research and Development
  • HardWall cleanroom
  • ISO 7 & 8
  • 10’ internal ceiling height
  • Environmental control and monitoring systems in each room, all connected to the BMS
  • 18 hot cells

To learn more about this project, visit our Advanced Radiopharmaceuticals Cleanroom page.

Design & Build Your Radiopharmaceutical Cleanroom With the Experts at Angstrom Technology

With the recent development of advanced radiopharmaceutical treatments and therapies, radiopharmaceutical cleanrooms are on the rise. If you’re hoping to build one of your own, contact our team at Angstrom Technology. We can help answer your questions, guide you through the process, and install a cleanroom that meets your facility’s specifications. 

Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Maintenance Tips

Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Maintenance Tips

If you work in the pharmaceutical industry, you know that even the slightest bit of contamination could drastically disrupt your production line and affect the safety of consumers. Because of this, it’s not only important to perform operations within a cleanroom, but it’s also important to keep that cleanroom well-maintained. 

You should think of your cleanroom just like any other piece of equipment. It needs a little tuning up here and there to keep it running as it’s intended. Let’s take a closer look into what regular maintenance looks like for pharmaceutical cleanrooms. 

Looking for examples of our work with pharmaceutical cleanrooms at Angstrom Technology? Check out this case study on a pharmaceutical cleanroom we designed and installed for our client, Praxis. 

Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Maintenance Tips

When it comes to pharmaceutical cleanrooms, there’s one main category of contaminants that could disrupt your operations: process- or human-related contaminants, such as dirt, skin, hair, clothing fibers, etc.

In order to combat these contaminants, most facilities have their own unique method and schedule for cleanroom maintenance. But if you’re new to the cleanroom world and you’re wondering where to start, the following sections outline some of the most basic cleanroom maintenance tips to keep in mind. 

Day-to-Day Cleanroom Maintenance

The most tried-and-true method of keeping your cleanroom in good operating condition is to diligently adhere to daily cleaning tasks. You’ll want to do the following at least once per shift: 

  • Wet mop floors with an ISO-recommended mop, cleaning solution, and deionized water
  • Change sticky mats (if applicable)
  • Wipe walls with an ISO-recommended mop and cleaning solution
  • Wipe furniture, tables, and work surfaces with ISO-recommended wipes and cleaning solution
  • Clean pass-through chambers and other additional features with ISO-recommended wipes and cleaning solution (if applicable)
  • Remove trash, soiled garments/PPE, and waste

Something to keep in mind — while accomplishing each of these tasks, it’s best to think of your cleanroom divided into four sections: ceilings, walls, surfaces, and floors. Then, clean each area following that particular order, from the highest point of your room (ceilings) to the lowest point (floors). This helps to reduce the risk of transferring contaminants from one area to another or counterproductively dirtying a workspace you’ve just cleaned. 

Filter Maintenance

Your filtration system is responsible for filtering the air that is constantly circulated in and out of your cleanroom. Since they’re usually operating on a 24/7 basis, these filters need to be serviced and changed with some sort of frequency. There are two main components of your filters that require regular servicing: 

  • Pre-filters are the outermost filters and, in most cases, are located in the return air grilles. They are easily accessed from within the cleanroom, and should be checked on a quarterly basis to see if they need to be replaced. By changing out the pre-filters with some sort of frequency you will extend the life of your HEPA/ULPA filter.
  • HEPA/ULPA filters do the heavy lifting in the filtration process and therefore are more of an investment — in terms of both labor and finances. ULPA filters remove 99.9995% of particles 0.12 microns or larger. HEPA filters remove 99.99% of particles 0.3 microns or larger. These filters typically sit inside the fan filter housing which is installed in the ceiling grid. But with proper pre-filter maintenance and replacements, HEPA/ULPA filters can last up to 8-10 years, depending on the cleanliness of the surrounding facility. 

Additional Equipment Maintenance

From glove boxes to pill packaging conveyor systems, whatever equipment your cleanroom holds should be serviced according to manufacturer recommendations. Any malfunctioning machines could release contaminants or gases that pose a threat to the sensitive materials you’re handling. Always make sure your equipment is working normally before starting daily operations. Equipment typically requires bi-annual or annual servicing, calibration, and certification.

Cleanroom Maintenance Reporting

Our final cleanroom maintenance tip is to keep a thorough, detailed record of all your cleanroom maintenance efforts. We recommend setting up cleanroom maintenance protocols, documenting and outlining the following:

  • The person responsible for each maintenance task
  • A schedule for accomplishing each maintenance task
  • Contamination levels before and after cleaning and/or maintenance
  • Any “good-to-know” items or maintenance tasks that require follow-up


By using these protocols, you’ll help to ensure that your team sticks to all required maintenance, that your facility remains compliant with all ISO classification standards, and that your business remains profitable. 

If your company doesn’t have the capacity and/or resources to stick to regular cleanroom maintenance, don’t worry! There are plenty of resources out there for contracting maintenance and cleanroom cleaning work. Check with your cleanroom manufacturer to see if they have their own maintenance services, or if they can refer you to someone they trust. 

Looking for someone to service your cleanroom and get it back into top shape? Give Angstrom Technology a call! As experienced cleanroom experts, we’re happy to talk through your needs and find the right solutions. 

Understanding the Value of Modular Cleanrooms

Understanding the Value of Modular Cleanrooms

At Angstrom Technology, we like to take a step back every once in a while, taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the impact of our work in various industries. It helps us put our work into perspective, and it motivates us to deliver excellence each and every day.

As we’ve reflected throughout the past years, we’ve always been astonished at how much innovation happens within modular cleanrooms. These quickly built, easily modified, heavily treated chambers truly make groundbreaking work possible. As a resource that helps scientists, and engineers test, manufacture, and package products safely, cleanrooms bring tremendous value not only to the workforce, but to society as a whole. 

In this article, we’ll explore some amazing ways that various industries have used modular cleanroom technology to trailblaze a path of innovation.

The Value Modular Cleanrooms Bring to Various Industrial Applications

Modular cleanrooms have proven themselves to be beneficial for a number of applications, in a number of industries. Some of history’s most important inventions required cleanrooms’ quality control, and some of the future’s best and brightest innovations are being tested in them today. Below, let’s discuss some common industries that use cleanrooms, and what important things they’re using them for. 


Aerospace cleanrooms are crucial for the development of aircraft and spacecraft hardware, fine electronics, engine components, and more. In order to manufacture, assemble, and test those components, the aerospace industry needs a high level of control over the cleanroom environment — usually meeting an ISO Class 7 requirement, at minimum.

Each day, aerospace engineers are working hard to develop technologies that help us continue our journey of exploring the unknown. Modular cleanrooms give them the space they need to do that revolutionary work. 


Semiconductor cleanrooms prevent particles from contaminating certain parts of nanotechnology — like semiconductors and microchips — that allow us to operate phones and computers more safely and efficiently. When even the smallest bit of contamination can lead to serious product issues and failures, a stringent modular cleanroom environment of ISO Class 5 or lower is necessary. 

Our world is reliant on constant technological innovations in order to stay connected, do business, and maintain a quality lifestyle. Modular cleanrooms will always provide a space to make those technological advances happen.

University Labs and Research Facilities

University labs and research facilities encompass a variety of applications, from medical research, to forensic science, to hazardous chemicals. Additionally, the university setting requires that spaces are able to be reassigned and restructured as student, research, and funding needs change throughout the years. Therefore, the versatility of quickly built, easily modified modular cleanrooms is extremely valuable here. 

Universities host some of the most advanced, highly recognized research facilities. Students and faculty are working with state-of-the-art technology to solve some of their industry’s most perplexing problems. A modular cleanroom can provide a controlled environment to foster that learning, no matter what the specific application may be. 


In regards to the military, weapons manufacturing is a critical component in upholding national security and protecting American citizens. Due to the deadly nature of the products and volatile compounds used in this industry, a controlled cleanroom environment is crucial in maintaining the safety of information, products, and personnel. 

Weapons manufacturing is, and always will be, dangerous. However, it plays a key role in protecting our nation’s infrastructure from devastating threats. Modular cleanrooms can help lessen the risk and bolster the production. 

Angstrom Technology can design a modular cleanroom to meet all your requirements and design considerations. If you’re interested in designing and installing one for your facility, speak with one of our design engineers to get started.

Understanding Cleanroom Costs by Type

Understanding Cleanroom Costs by Type

If your facility needs a controlled space for one or more of its operations, you may be looking into purchasing a cleanroom. However, while doing your research, you may find yourself stuck on which type of cleanroom is the best investment for you: SoftWall, HardWall, or RigidWall?

Each of these cleanroom types has different characteristics and advantages, which naturally means that each of them are sold at different price points. In this article, we’ll explore the relative costs of these types of cleanrooms, as well as the value that each can bring to your facility. 

SoftWall Cleanrooms – $

Generally, SoftWall cleanrooms are the most affordable cleanroom option. The low price point reflects their simple design and minimal use of materials. 

However, just because SoftWall cleanrooms are the most affordable doesn’t mean that they lack quality. Their lightweight, powder-baked enamel framework and clear vinyl sheeting offers simple installation, maintenance, and customization to best fit the needs of your facility. Also capable of meeting cleanroom classification standards for ISO Class 4-8 and Federal 209E Class 10-100,000, SoftWall cleanrooms work great for many applications. 

SoftWall cleanrooms are ideal for facilities that need to meet some classification and standards requirements, but don’t quite need to meet the highest standards or a tight temperature and humidity specification. As an affordable option that’s easy to assemble, maintain, and reconfigure, they can bring great value to large applications and custom cleanroom applications. 

HardWall Cleanrooms – $$$

HardWall cleanrooms are usually the most expensive type of cleanroom, for good reason. Their higher price tags are accompanied by superior cleanroom performance, capable of meeting even the most stringent cleanliness standards. 

HardWall cleanrooms are made from solid materials like stainless steel, vinyl, plastic laminate, aluminum, and fiberglass-reinforced plastic. These solid materials make them an extremely secure, treated, and durable solution for facilities that need an ultra-controlled environment. 

With the ability to meet ISO Class 1-8 and Federal 209E Class 1-100,000 standards, HardWall cleanrooms are worth the investment if your facility’s applications require an extensive amount of control over factors like contamination, humidity, temperature, static, and pressure. No other type of cleanroom will provide that level of protection. 

RigidWall Cleanrooms – $$$

RigidWall cleanrooms tend to fall in a similar price range as HardWall cleanrooms. They’re somewhat of a hybrid between the two types of cleanrooms previously mentioned. They have the same structural system as a SoftWall cleanroom, but instead of curtains, they use an extruded aluminum extrusion in conjunction with a 1/4 inch acrylic panel.

RigidWall cleanrooms can offer extreme versatility for a variety of applications. While they don’t offer quite as much stringency as a HardWall cleanroom, they do offer a good bit of control and provide a good show piece for potential customers. They offer contamination security to fit ISO Class 5-8 requirements and Federal 209E Class 100-100,000 requirements. 

If your facility is looking for a cleanroom with good control, but also requires a certain level of aesthetics, a RigidWall cleanroom is a worthy investment for you. It’s a versatile solution with a structural system that can be adapted to fit the needs of your facility, and an environmental control factor that keeps your materials and operators safe — giving you some of the best of both worlds. 

No matter what type of cleanroom you need, Angstrom Technology can help you design and install it to meet your classification and budget requirements. We’re experts in working with clients to find the solutions that best suit their facilities and applications. Reach out to our team to get started today.
