Importance of Cleanroom Airflow Uniformity

Importance of Cleanroom Airflow Uniformity

Cleanrooms are designed to maintain strict control over environmental factors, but they’re only effective if they have an expertly designed airflow pattern to help them reach the desired cleanliness level and ISO classification standard. ISO document 14644-4 describes...

5 Advantages of Rigidwall Automotive Cleanroom

5 Advantages of Rigidwall Automotive Cleanroom

RigidWall cleanrooms make an excellent cleanroom option for many industries. Their sleek appearance, excellent control, and customizable features make them especially suited for automotive cleanrooms. Let’s take a look at 5 advantages RigidWall cleanrooms offer your...

How to Test Your Cleanroom Classification

How to Test Your Cleanroom Classification

Every cleanroom requires periodic testing to make sure it reaches the necessary particle count allowances for its cleanroom classification. A cleanroom is initially certified once it’s built, and then needs to be retested every 6 to 12 months to ensure it continues to...

Understanding Air Pressure in Cleanrooms

Understanding Air Pressure in Cleanrooms

Pressurized cleanrooms are used in a range of industries and applications. Varying levels of pressure determines the way air naturally moves in a space. High and low pressure, or positive and negative pressure, can be used as a tool in cleanroom environments to help...